What’s up y’all!? Wow- so clearly I have some deep shit going on in regards to the above screenshot from my Mom. Just from glancing at this, I got a little teary eyed again. As you’ve probably gathered from the...
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From the point of view of the victim, is domestic violence an addiction? First of all, it’s a bit screwed up, that here we’re in the year 2016, and we’re STILL talking about domestic violence. Is it safe to say,...
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Funny day, really. I’m a bit grumpy, and over life in a general sense. lololololololololol. It took me quite a while to realise that the reason why I’ve been so shitty the past almost 2 weeks, is because I’m...
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‘Find a man who treats you like a queen.’ – A statement girls everywhere out there tell their girlfriends, and their girlfriends tell them… But what happens when a guy your seeing just CAN’T? Meeting (or, to be more...
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What’s up y’all! I know it’s been ages since I blogged. It’s like I’ve been in a perpetual state of writers block for months. Or suffering from a massive case of ICBB. (I can’t be bothered) Today was an interesting...
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