About Us


We are here for those who’ll follow: The teenager who’s always been told no. The 10-year old ‘encouraged’ to take up gymnastics when she really loves football. The baby girl who was born as you read this sentence. We’re making their path smoother. As our path today was made easier by those who fought before us. Generation after generation of badass women who’ve helped us get here today.

A World Beyond


Every ceiling we shatter, every opinion we change, every rule we un-write is one the next generation won’t have to deal with. We believe in a world that is so much more than one with equal rights, although that’d be a good start. We believe in a world where women can be truly free. Free to have an education, free to have sexual self expression, free from racism, free from domestic violence, free from the oppression of negative self image, free from religious persecution. Free to be who they want to be, when they want to be, how they want to be. Free to be themselves. With no limits.

We Are Unstoppable

We Are Unlimited

We’re not fighting you. We’re fighting for the freedom of women. We are not what you say we can be, that’s for us to decide. We dance, We kick, We are floral, We punch, We are pink, We are tattooed, We lift, We like unicorns. We like glitter. We like trucks. We can be all the things you say we can be, and all the things you say we can’t. Don’t you worry about us getting too big or too strong, or too fast or too full ourselves. You do you. We’ll do us. We aren’t doing this for you. But if you support us, then we am doing it for us. You, us, we are unlimited.

Our Vision

To bring together an army of women to fight for each other, like family, to collectively create a world where women are free and liberated to be their best versions of themselves. Regardless of ethnicity, body type, beliefs, religion or abilities.

Take the Pledge With Us


Providing women opportunities to be connected and provide a platform for them to use their personal experience as a means to empower other women and liberate future generations.

We will do that in a number of ways

*GRRRLARMY – an online community where women across the globe can network with others in their sport or passion, and build local groups/relationships where they organise and gather regularly to share their experiences, teach each other new skills, find ways to reach their potential, and feel unconditional love and connection. In this community women can know that they are not alone, and share powerful tools and information with each other to find support and recovery.

*GRRRL Live – an annual event where women come together globally to learn tools to empower the lives of themselves, their communities and their families.

*GRRRL Partners – partnering with strategic charities to help bring change for women through specific communities.

*GRRRL Factories– Our goal is to open factories in the developing world to employ and empower women of all backgrounds with good paying wages + pathways out of unpalatable alternatives.

*GRRRL Media– only honest advertising that represents all body types - without the use of photoshop or airbrushing, and with no bias to ethnicity, background, belief or ability.

We Are GRRRL... It's Time to Change the Game

Here are the promises we make to our customers and society, that we want to be held accountable for:


We stand to celebrate, admire and appreciate ALL body types. We stand to erase the dogma that our worth is equated to our exterior.


We vow to employ honesty in our advertising and allow our athletes the option of wearing makeup or wearing their soul. It’s their choice not ours. It is our STRONG belief that a woman has 100% of the decision making power over how she looks.


We will NEVER ever photoshop images of our athletes or models in our advertising or on our website. We will NEVER EVER airbrush, photoshop or otherwise manipulate what other brands and media outlets see as “imperfections”. Women are perfection already. Period. For too long the fashion industry has misled women about how other women look. Our athletes come from all walks of life and represent everything that is powerful and amazing about female beauty. And we will never resort to using computer programs to make them look different, just so we can sell a few more T shirts or pairs of pants.


We are GRRRL: Independent. Strong. And sometimes borderline aggressive. May you hear the GRRR in our name, and undoubtedly know that this is our force by nature: To protect and attack for our pack. Our hood.


We are for the GRRRL Sisterhood: All for one and one for all. We will raise up and celebrate everything great about being a woman, and use our position not just to celebrate the great things but to also make a difference in the world.