Dear GRRRL A Collection of Letters To Our Younger Selves

Dear GRRRL A Collection of Letters To Our Younger Selves
"Dear Jenn, You were in some of the darkest days of your life here. You were so good at putting your head down and putting on that fake smile. So much so that now you refuse to smile unless it's really from your heart. You binge on food to the point of purging when you feel guilt and shame realizing you couldn't really control those feelings or fill that hollow spot. Your past sexual abuse from your chilhood affected all your relationships. You made poor choices in partners because You wanted all the control. You wanted to die period end of story. No One Would Notice Right? WRONG! You were so wrong on so many levels. Your depression felt suffocating to the point that you sought help and your village came forward because you are loved. You were 21....a baby really....You had so much to live for. Those were your darkest days. You still struggle with all of the above but you cope you are so STRONG! You fall down but you get back up. Remember to give yourself the kindness you have always so readily given to others. You deserve you hear that young one! You are Beautiful Outside and Inside...your body is a fucking powerhouse. You have built it to carry yourself and fight through this life. You still struggle with eating and how you feel and think about food but you work through it every day. You have a little boy watching you....thats right you gave life to an amazing kind hearted child that loves you even when your not at your best. You found a partner in every sense of the word that lifts you up and tells you that you deserve the world and more.....sometimes you even believe him.... Forgive yourself. Love yourself. Stop treading water young one....start fighting. You Are Worth It. You have made it.....and still you have so much more to learn and that is ok. You are OK. Keep your eyes up you got this." Sincerely 36 year old Jenn   "Oh my darling girl, If you could see the way the stars will shine you would never doubt your reason for being here. You're family loves you. You are worth more than you could ever believe. You will be a Mama one day, to an amazing little man who sees you with no faults. "You're my Mama," he will say, "you are beautiful every day and I love you." You will survive the emotional and physical abuse of your peers. You will survive the rape. You will survive the death of your Father, your first love and you will grow beyond measure. You will be someone people look to for comfort and counseling, sometimes even for inspiration.  You will NEVER be defined by society because you make your own music and march to the beat of your own drummer.  You will find love, when you least expect it. Someone who treasures your heart and weird mind.  You cannot allow your past to ever dictate who you are. Be brave. Be kind. Be responsible. Never take any shit. Know your limits. Be open to possibilities. Take a chance on the guy. Go to school. Ride rollercoasters.  Love hard. 💜 M"     "Dear Younger Kristen, Your body is starting to change. Some things you will like, some things you won’t. Embrace both. Love both, because the body is powerful and beautiful. I know it’s difficult to love your body when you see all the beautiful women in movies, magazines, and social media. But they don’t actually look like that in real life. They have been digitally altered and photoshopped into creating a fake image. They too have stretch marks, cellulite, and body fat just like everyone else. Seeing these images will make you think that your body isn’t perfect. Making you feel like you’re fat. But don’t compare yourself to anyone. Other women are not your competition. It will only make you think you’re not skinny enough or pretty enough but you are enough. You are beautiful and just the right size. Remember you are smart, funny, caring, brave, stronger than you will ever know, special, loved, and worthy of everything. So instead of focusing on being “fat” or “skinny”, focus on being healthy. Focus on being happy. Real beauty comes from within.  It comes from talking positively about yourself and others. It comes from standing up for yourself and others. From being kind and caring but not lettings others push you around. So stop talking to yourself with hate and disgust but talk with love and compassion. Because you grrrl, are perfect. Love, future Kristen "     "Dear Jenn, where do I begin baby grrrl. 20Years ago this month you were getting ready to walk across the stage for one of the most proud days of your life and start your own journey. It was your turn to shine and walk away from all the heartache , bullying, trauma, violence,insecurities you had encountered by this age. But I wish I could of told you then it wasn't gonna be that easy. I wish I could have told you to be prepared for even harder times and that you were gonna abuse yourself with drugs, attempt suicide multiple times that you where gonna have experience more trauma of your pops being shot and killed, you where gonna lose yourself looking for love in all the wrong places, you where be diagnosed with depression and ptsd. Oh baby grrrl there's so much more, but I will tell you this. It never got easier but got so much better. Eventually you start to find yourself and started giving yourself the love you needed that you longed for. That you started to love what you thought where flaws. That you started given zero fucks about what society thought you. That you let god lead your way. That you become a powerlifter and eventually will become a barber when schools over and be your own boss. That your learned that you still make bad decisions but learning from the and keep going and growing. That your learning to be proud of yourself. That you've been off drugs now for 8Years and have become the healthiest and strongest you've been this far and are getting even stronger. No you haven't met prince Charming yet but the love you long for from him your giving your self. That you turned your Ls into lessons. Baby grrrl you've always been a fighter and your winning. It took a while but that's OK. You got this. And one more important thing your part of a world wide #Grrrlarmy who's goal is to be the inspiration you long for and making a difference in others lives. Your absolutely amazing,beautiful, loved and doing the damn thing baby grrrl. You still have faults but that OK..just continue to grow from them and love yourself and you'll get there"

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